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Maybelline Family grows as the next generation is born in the 1940's.

 Maybelline continued growing in the background, while the Williams Family took center stage in the 1940's.

Maybelline truck heading out to deliver cases of Maybelline in Chicago, during the 1940's
Tom Lyle bought a 1940 Packard while at The Villa Valentino in Hollywood in 1940.

Tom Lyle with is first little niece, Noel and Frances' first grandchild, Annette Huber.

Uncle Ches Haines, 1940,  (Tom Lyle's sister Eva's husband,) was in charge of shipping for the Maybelline Company.  He is seen here with his son Bobby Haines in the middle and Tony Williams. 

   Tom Lyle's sister Eva with her husband, Ches  Haines, at their 19 year old daughter Marilyn's wedding in 1948.  The Groom was Dick Westhouse. Their first      born son Richard Gerald was born the next year.     

Ches and Eva with their first grandchild,
 Robert Westhouse. 

Tom Lyle's brother Noel with his wife Frances visits  California in 1945.

Noel Allen and Jean Kilroy's wedding, 1949, left to right, George and Helen Williams Huber, with their little  boy, John Huber, Neppy Williams-Corbett, a bridesmaid holding her child, a friend, Kathleen Huber, Annette Huber, the groomsmen with Best Man Dick Williams, (Noel Allen's brother.)

Author of The Maybelline Story, Sharrie Williams
Sharrie's sister Donna Williams
Charles Allen Williams, aka, Chuck, BB1, 

Check back tomorrow and see Chuck with Beach Boy Al Jardine in Santa Barbara California, singing on stage last night, 6-30-11.