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Bath soak with fermented rice extract?


Yubela Bath Soak  1,800yen

I had no idea how to spell the name of this product but it's pronounced as "You / Bay / La" or something like that. Basically it's a medical bath soak which contains fermented rice extract which moisturizes your skin and prevents dryness. This bath soak cures poor circulation, stiff shoulder, nerve pain, pimples, tiredness, bruise and chapped skin


At first I thought it was just a traditional (and a bit tacky) bath soak, but believe me, it's just AMAZING. It really does work. I've always got cold hands and feet because my circulation must be so poor, and they gets cold again 10 minutes after I've been out of the bathtub. But this bath soak keeps me warm for more than an hour which is a miracle. The herbal scent is very relaxing and soothing as well.

This 600ml bottle costs 1,800yen and that's a little over my budget but I wouldn't mind purchasing it during winter and use it about once or twice a week for a little pampering. If you are suffering from any serious problems like poor circulations or chapped skin or stiffed back / shoulder, you may want to choose something medical like this one! I am really enjoying this bath soak and am looking forward to having a bath with it tonight!

What's your favourite bath soak / salt?

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