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ACE peeks out

The moogle is still being sculpted. His arm is frustrating. While he's curing I painted Ace as I've been meaning to. I'm not sure if I like her yet. I think I should have made her meaner looking and her right eyebrow is higher than her left...though that really doesn't matter since she only has one eye.....Also her sculpt is quite manly and long faced and I didn't compensate as well as I should have for it.

In the end I still like her but could use some practice making mean girl faces.

EDIT: Minute changes and totally worth it. She looks prettier and more feminine but still kickass. Also I'm aware there is a weird texture on her face. I think that's from the sealer. Never buying this brand again. It's a lot thicker and has noticeable pores. In real life they are hard to see though which still isn't good because I can't take good pics of her.

EDIT2: Gah...I'm just not getting her....no expression maybe I have to start a new head...this is...frustrating.

EDIT3: .... Actually quite happy with the end result. She has the right attitude. She looks difficult to approach but still beautiful and disturbing. (note the dot on her forehead is on the camera lense and the speck of dust...is a speck of dust.)

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