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New Look Prom Predictions 2015

As we start to get into the new year of 2015 I think one of the topics on most 16 year olds minds is Prom (alongside those very important exams of course..). I never ever thought that I'd make such a fuss out of prom, finding a dress and getting all dolled up but I really got into the swing of things in the end. My Prom was nearly 2 years ago now, where does the time go? Today I thought I'd share a few of the gorgeous New Look Prom dresses that have caught my eye, a little prediction of what I think might be popular this year. I actually got my Prom dress from New Look around this time 2 years ago and I'd still recommend them to people now, especially if you've got a small budget.
I'm really not a very trendy person and I don't know much about style and 'what's hot' but I personally think that you can't go wrong with a sparkly or lace patterned dress. Mine was quite simple, a bold shade of blue as well, but my second choice definitely would have been something with a little bit of glitter and sparkle! You can find the ever-growing range of Prom dresses that New Look have at the moment on the website here. I personally didn't find my dress from the dedicated prom section, have a look throughout the whole website, there are loads of party and evening dresses that are definitely appropriate for your special night. Also I think that perhaps people might step away from the floor length gowns this year, opting for something shorter and more fun, from what I've seen and heard so far anyway. That was one annoying thing about going for a floor length dress, it does get in the way a little, if I could go back and do it all again I perhaps might have looked around more for something easier to dance in!
2 of the dresses in the picture above are from ChiChi, I didn't know that New Look stocked them! I'm always looking at their dresses and I think if you get really stuck when picking a prom dress you can't really go wrong with hopping over to the New Look website and getting one of these. I particularly like the blue one, if it had been around when I had my Prom I think I would have gone for it. Or perhaps if you want some inspiration from the past take a look at this interactive piece which looks at what has been on trend during the past few decades.
So, my prom predictions for this year is that the dresses will be shorter and will have lots more sparkle, just have to wait to see if I'm right!
Are you having your prom this year? If so, what kind of dress are you going to go for?

*featured post
Shona x

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